2020. 7. 21. 04:20ㆍFlight Simulator
S-TEC Like AP panel 아래에 나열된 여러개의 Button 들중
VS : 클릭 하고 옆에 있는 Knob을 돌려 +5에 맞춘다. 조금 시간이 지난 다음 ~ + 10 로 바꾸고 또 시간이 경과 한후 ~ +05로 바꾼다.
HDG : 6 packs아랫줄 중간에 있는 DG ( Directional Gyro ) 우하방 Knob 돌려 HDG를 원하는 위치로 바꾸고 AP Panel로 도라와 HDG Button 눌러 Activation 한다.
만약 ' 고도 2500피트 , Heading 120유지 하라 ' 는 과교신을 받았다면 고도를 2500피트로 낮추고 AP Panel 로가서
ALT 눌러 Activate 하고 VS 를 0 으로 바꾼다.
So the nav feature is getting me to the runway. So if I'm doing an ILS approach I would to my V lock into the ILS
frequency and then it will give me latreal navigation. So it will help me line up to the center of the runway . But i'm
still resposble to figure out the right descent speed to land the aircraft. If I activate the approach feature like this it'll
give me vertical guidance as well. So little help me descend at the proper speed. So let's go ahead. We'll go to
Toronto City Center about 10 nautical miles away. And we'll do a lie ILS landing. I'll show you that feature.
( airport search ) There's a Toronto City Center runway 08 , 10 nautical miles. ( pop up page : End Current Flight )
Start New Flight,
All right I'm going to pause things . So we can set things up for starting. We're gong to want to do get this off
GPS and go to the nav. We'll want to activate our autopilot , the NAV option and APR option again. The nav will
give us our lateral or left and right . The approach give us up or down or vertical. We're then going to ahead and press ' M' on the keyboard for our map. I'm going to select the approach 08 ( at the map ) . And I show so that we can see roughly when the the plane will activate so when this this plane gets to this glide slope here that's when it'll start to automatically do its thing and start landing. I'll zoom in here. There I am and this is the glde slope. So If I click on this it tells me it's 110.15 Mhz. So I could manually enter it in by going over to the comm radio here entering the right one and putting it in. But I'm lazy so the easier approach is to select 2 nav 1. So I click that button here and then close this. So now we'll unpause the flight simulator and the plane will intersept the glide slope and the localizer. And I 'll automatically start flying in the right direction.
See if the plane is starting to intersept the glide slope here. And if I make it easier for you see straight ahead is our runway. So right now I'm starting slowly descent but it has'nt really fully picked it up yet. Once I get within this
triangle here or this kind fo vertical or glide slope. Everything will start activating. And I'll start flying me up with
runway. They need to hit the middle of that line before it start to activate. You should seeing a descent here .
Yes, there we go. We'll take this down to the runway. So what I'll do is start setting up for our landing with lower flaps. I'll raise the plane quickly and then bring you back. And I'll start slowing down speed to get the 90 knots.
All right we're at our 90 kots speed. Flap are down . Our descent to Scylla Turing and we're lined up with runway.
Looks like we're going to have a good landing.
key board에 ' M ' 하면 Map 화면이 뜬다.
1) Click Glide Slope
2) Start New Flight ? Select
3) ILS click
4) Approach > RWY Select
5) Autopilot에서 NAV 와 APR 선택
6) 이후 Glide Slope화면과 Throttle 조절 하여 하강
7) 착륙이 가까워 지면 2 white- 2 red 유지
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